Saturday, December 19, 2015

Indianapolis-sell us your junk cars!

Indianapolis-sell us your junk cars!

Indianapolis, Indiana-Yes it is true, the price of scrap or junk cars is way down compared to what it use to be.  This time last year scrap metal was paying $280/ton, right scrap metal (junk cars) is down to $40/ton.  Yes, you read that right.  It is currently that low.  We are still buying junk cars.  In many instances we can still pay better prices than most people can or will for junk cars because we will pay you based on the money that we will make off that car after we sell the junk car parts off of it.  This allows us to give you some of the best money for junk cars.

Scrap junk cars Indianapolis

Indianapolis-sell us your junk cars!

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